
聽 FBI 主任 Robert Mueller 演講筆記

Robert Mueller
最近住在美國加州的 Palo Alto。今天早上在收音機上聽到 FBI 主任 Robert Mueller 去舊金山 CommonWealth Club演講,大談網路犯罪和恐怖份子,30 分鐘講完後,還回答了 30 分鐘的問題。

  • 他自己也中過 phishing,以為真的是銀行寄來的 e-mail,糊裡糊塗連上了 e-mail 裡附的網址,還好在假的銀行網站上填密碼之前警覺到可能有問題,找他手下來查,把 phishing 的人抓了起來。不過從此他老婆就不准他用 online banking 了,哈哈哈!
    (註:釣魚的人誰不好釣,跑去釣 FBI 主任,我該說他活該嗎?)

  • 他說各公司和組織在建立網站的時候,一定要事先把保全(security)納入考慮,而不是事後再亡羊補牢。

  • 之前有個案子,是罪犯組織先從網路入侵銀行,盜取了提款卡上的密碼後,做了許多張偽卡,在 24 小時內,從全球各地數百個 ATM 提領了上百萬美金。

  • 九一一之後,美國愛國者法案(USA Patriot Act)通過了,FBI 歷經了組織重整,並且和美國的情報機構(CIANSA 等等)開始交換情報。FBI 一向負責的是美國境內的治安,CIA 是美國境外的情報蒐集;情報整合之後,對恐怖組織在境外和境內的活動有了比較完整的輪廓。

  • FBI 的五個最優先的工作:(其實這個 FBI 網頁列得很清楚,但 FBI 主任被問到的時候背得出來耶!)
    1. 保護美國不受恐怖攻擊
    2. 保護美國對抗外國的情報工作和間諜活動
    3. 保護美國對抗基於網路的攻擊和高科技犯罪
    4. 在各層級查緝公共人物的貪污
    5. 保護公民權利

  • 有聽眾問:「美國有很多愛國的阿拉伯裔人民,FBI 有沒有這樣的成員?」Robert Mueller 的回答是:「美國是個移民國家,FBI 的成員應該要反映出來,但目前阿拉伯裔的人數還不夠。」

  • 有聽眾問:「與其要防範青少年駭客破進伺服器讀了我們的 e-mail,我們不是更應該擔心 FBI 偷看嗎?」(註:這不是當面嗆主任嗎?嗆得好!)
    Robert Mueller 的回答大致是這樣:「你其實真的要防範青少年駭客破進伺服器,很多人覺得他自己的機器裡沒什麼好偷的資料,就不想花力氣去保護;但是資訊就是力量(Information is power),你不知道罪犯拿到資訊後會做什麼事、産生什麼後果。相比起來,FBI 如果要看你線上的資料,必須先向法官申請搜索票,然後希望你的服務業者配合。」
    (註1:他講了幾種法官,但我沒聽懂。註2:真的有這麼克制自己?很難相信耶!看看 2001 年美國法務部幹的好事。)

  • 有聽眾問:「FBI 會聘厲害的駭客進 FBI 工作嗎?」(註:這讓我聯想到 Leonardo DiCaprio 和 Tom Hanks 演的 "Catch me if you can",中譯【神鬼交鋒】)
    Robert Mueller 回答是:「不會。」他又繼續講:「青少年駭進別人的系統,常常不知道自己在犯罪,被逮捕的時候一臉錯諤。關進去之後,就會留下犯罪紀錄,幾年之後出來,要找工作都變難了。」


Stop making a fuss on things you don't know the context

OK, Chris Yeh of Yahoo! openly apologized about having "Hack Girls" in the Yahoo! Open Hack Day in Taiwan. I understand that there were waves of complaints in the English-speaking part of the world that drove Yahoo! to apologize. But since none of the English-speaking complainers were in the event, the complaints were based on pictures and/or a video that has been taken down.

If you are not there and haven't heard first-hand from any attendees, you are out of context and shouldn't make a fuss.

I myself wasn't there, so I'm not jumping into conclusions. Instead I'm trying to find out what attendees think.

ZDNet has a report on this, I'd suggest that you either read it if you know Chinese, or get it translated to your language.

Beyond the report, I've chatted with some attendees, including one female developer (let's call her X) and a friend of another female developer (let's call her Y). But let's establish some facts first.

First of all, it was only a 3 minute dance to entertain the developers in an otherwise exhausting 24 hour hacking event. It was not an all night dance party.

Second, some bloggers think these girls are strippers. No, that's totally wrong. They are girls that are good at dancing and are invited to exhibitions, trade shows or other events to dance with clothes ON to attract customers. Strip dancing is illegal in Taiwan according to this Q&A page of Hsinchu District Prosecutor Office. If having dance girls in technology events gives you a bitter taste in your mouth, don't blame it on Yahoo!. That practice has been there for for than 5 years.

Third, it has been dubbed "lap dancing", but is it really that intimate? I can't tell from the pictures on Simon Willison's blog. It seems the dance girls touched developer's shoulders with their hands. But there were no other apparent physical contacts. Does this constitute lap dancing? I'm not sure.

Now on to my attendee friends. My summary of the responses to the 3 minute dance are as follows.
  • X, being in the Open Hack Day for both 2008 and 2009, complained about 2 things last year on her blog (in Chinese):
    1. the loud music distracted her and her team from coding;
    2. the dance girls pulled attendees to stage, interfering with developers' hacking work.
    She did not write about the dancing itself, and hasn't written any blog about the event this year.
  • Y's friend said Y didn't care.
  • A male friend wrote on his plurk microblog that he enjoyed the Open Hack Day event overall, but felt uncomfortable in those few dancing minutes. He also thought that dance girls pulling attendees to stage is over the line.
  • Several others view that "it was a distraction", pointing to the loud music, but not the dance because
    • some of them were trying to keep coding;
    • the rest didn't bother to watch.
  • Some didn't even bother to comment on it, instead complained that some teams came with a half-baked project and the competition wasn't fair.

Today, finally there is an English blog entry by a male attendee. Similarly, he complains about the distraction, not the dancing.

So far I haven't seen a single participant, male or female, feel offended by the dance.

So, no matter who you are, which philosophy you believe in, or how many subscribers your blog enjoys, stop making a fuss unless you were in the event, or until an attendee writes that he/she is offended by such an arrangement.




10/10 Engadget 報導:"T-Mobile: we probably lost all your Sidekick data"。啥?T-Mobile 把手機客戶的聯絡人、照片的資料搞丟了?

10/11 ZD Net 文章:"The T-Mobile-Microsoft Sidekick data disaster: Poor IT management going mainstream"。「T-Mobile 微軟的資料災難:差勁的 IT 管理進入主流」,這種話都出來了,挨踢也是應該的。

10/12 The Inquirer 報導:"Danger no backups"。不論是外包給別人去升級 SAN 也好、是微軟和 Danger 系統整合有問題也好,資料還真的沒有備份?!











  • 你的銀行外洩了所有信用卡客戶的資料,你會說整個信用卡的消費模式就此垮台嗎?
  • 還是你會說,這家銀行太爛了,趕快把卡剪了,換用另外一家的?


  1. 自己的資料自己救!把所有上傳到 flickr/picasaweb 的照片、上傳到 YouTube/Vimeo 的影片,在 Pixnet/無名/Blogger 寫的部落格文章、在 Google docs 裡作的文件、用 Google Sites 做的網頁... 通通拷貝一份在家裡。

  2. 慎選雲端服務商。以後選擇只會更多,每個人因為穩定性、移植性、方便性、同儕推薦等等各種原因會選擇不同的服務商,但為了你辛辛苦苦寫的文章或難得拍到的小孩照片不要人間蒸發,千萬別漏了考慮「資料安全性」。


這說來容易,做來難。不是空間的問題,一顆硬碟 1 TB 的時代,買個外接碟就能裝進幾百小時的影片、或一二十萬張照片、或幾十萬份文件,容量真的不是問題;問題是在維護上。



不過,話說回來,連小心的一般使用者都會備份資料了,堂堂的手機廠商和配合廠商(好大的一間公司喔)竟然會沒有備份?我二個禮拜前才在台大教了 distributed file systemsGFS 的課,連大學生都大約知道容錯的分散式檔案系統是怎麼回事了,這些大公司是在用二十年前的技術存資料嗎?



  1. 歷史記錄:以前有沒有掉過資料?掉了有沒有找回來?花多長時間?資料是否外洩過?
  2. 資料保全技術:它用什麼技術保全你的資料?有沒有容錯機制所以不怕單一硬碟的損壞?有沒有異地備援所以不怕單一資料中心發生火災?
  3. 人員素質和制度流程:它的工程師和 IT 網管的素質如何?有沒有完善制度和流程以避免人為疏失?

第二點比較困難取得,服務商不見得會揭露這些技術細節,但我認為雲端運算要漸趨成熟的話,這些是雲端服務商應該要揭露的內容。目前一般的做法是提供「服務等級同意書」(service level agreement),但就像安裝軟體大概超過 99% 的人都是 Next > Next > Next,雲端服務的 SLA 那頁應該也是沒看就「我同意」了吧?有心的人不妨注意一下 SLA。






誰是行家?那就要由你來發現了。希望你不會和這幾十萬個 Sidekick 的客戶一樣,資料掉了還救不回來,也希望你永遠不會問我標題上的問題。



在美國軍事法庭日誌 10-026 號記載了陳水扁去告美國的案子的處理結果,順手轉貼並翻譯一下。我不是法律專業,用詞如有錯誤請專家指正。

Misc. No. 10-8003. Chen Shui-Bian, Petitioner v. United States, Respondent. Notice is hereby given that a petition for extraordinary relief in the nature of a writ of mandamus was filed by mail under Rule 27(a) on September 21, 2009, and placed on the docket this 6th day of October, 2009. On consideration thereof, it is ordered that said petition is hereby dismissed for lack of jurisdiction.
雜項 10-8003 號,請願人:陳水扁,被告:美國。
在此公告,要求本庭依法履行書面命令以破例釋放請願人的請願書,已於 2009 年 9 月 21 日依法規 27(a) 以郵件寄達本庭,並於 2009 年 10 月 6 日進入備審案件目錄表。在審慎考慮之後,本庭命令,因缺乏法律管轄權而駁回該請願書。


extraordinary: 破例的

relief: 釋放

writ: 書面命令

mandamus: 依法應履行的執務

dismiss: 駁回



正式的 citation

"for his extraordinary efforts to strengthen international diplomacy and cooperation between peoples"


The Norwegian Nobel Committee has decided that the Nobel Peace Prize for 2009 is to be awarded to President Barack Obama for his extraordinary efforts to strengthen international diplomacy and cooperation between peoples. The Committee has attached special importance to Obama's vision of and work for a world without nuclear weapons.
挪威諾貝爾委員會業已決定將 2009 年諾貝爾和平獎頒給歐巴馬總統,以表揚他在國際外交和民族之間的合作上異於常人的努力。委員會尤其重視歐巴馬對於無核武世界的願景和工作。

Obama has as President created a new climate in international politics. Multilateral diplomacy has regained a central position, with emphasis on the role that the United Nations and other international institutions can play. Dialogue and negotiations are preferred as instruments for resolving even the most difficult international conflicts. The vision of a world free from nuclear arms has powerfully stimulated disarmament and arms control negotiations. Thanks to Obama's initiative, the USA is now playing a more constructive role in meeting the great climatic challenges the world is confronting. Democracy and human rights are to be strengthened.

Only very rarely has a person to the same extent as Obama captured the world's attention and given its people hope for a better future. His diplomacy is founded in the concept that those who are to lead the world must do so on the basis of values and attitudes that are shared by the majority of the world's population.

For 108 years, the Norwegian Nobel Committee has sought to stimulate precisely that international policy and those attitudes for which Obama is now the world's leading spokesman. The Committee endorses Obama's appeal that "Now is the time for all of us to take our share of responsibility for a global response to global challenges.
108 年來,挪威諾貝爾委員會不斷試圖鼓勵的,就是這樣的國際政治和由歐巴馬領先全世界展現出來的這種態度。委員會支持歐巴馬發出的呼籲:「現在是我們全體共同肩負起對全球性挑戰作出全球性回應的責任的時候了。」

Oslo, October 9, 2009
2009 年 10 月 9 日於奧斯陸